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Special report: HVB pipeline

Since the end of 2021, VALEMO has been operating high voltage substations connected to the RTE transmission network.

Given the production stakes and the requirements of the RTE network operator (response time of less than 5 minutes), VALEMO has decided to set up an on-call team dedicated to this activity, consisting of 6 experienced technicians.

This on-call team deals with all alarms and requests (calls / SMS / emails) that may arise, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition to this on-call team, VALEMO has recruited an experienced electrical engineer as a technical HVB referent to supervise remotely and in the field the teams working on this new activity.

This organization will be completed in 2023 with the transition of the Control Center to 5x8h (operator on duty 24/7).

To prepare this evolution, VALEMO has initiated the steps with RTE to equip itself with a Secure Telephony System (STS) and an Alert and Backup System (SAS); these equipments are mandatory for the safety of the network as soon as the power of the substation exceeds 40 MW or the connection voltage goes to HTB2 (>= 150 kV).

This activity has been ramped up throughout 2022, so VALEMO currently operates 3 HV substations:

SiteVoltage (HTB/HTA)Transformer(s)*Connected PowerProducersSpecial equipment
SRN (10)90 kV / 20kV2 x 45 MVA75 MW9 wind farmsPower unit
PEC (11)63 kV / 20 kV1 x 15 MVA11 MW1 wind farm
HYPER (80)63 kV / 33 kV1 x 50 MVA45 MW3 wind farmsSTATCOM

*Power indicated in ONAF

On these new assets, VALEMO carries out the following missions in particular:

  • Single entry point for RTE,
  • Programming Manager for RTE,
  • Remote control of installations (supervision and manoeuvres),
  • Consignment/unconsignment of HV and MV equipment,
  • Remote diagnosis of failures and alarms,
  • Triggering of on-site interventions and removal of doubts,
  • Organization of the preventive and curative maintenance of the station,
  • Coordination of the different actors (wind, PV, battery producers, etc.),
  • Supervision of subcontractors and contractors (regulatory controls, green spaces, pest control, etc.).

As close as possible to the HV substations, VALEMO has also trained its employees at the maintenance bases (located on average 1 hour away) in the environment, operation, consignment and diagnosis of HV equipment.


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