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Structural monitoring / Sainte-Rose wind farm

Sainte-Rose wind farm (French West indies)

The Sainte-Rose wind farm in Guadeloupe is subject to seismic risk and also to cyclonic episodes mainly from June to October. As part of the operation of the wind farm, VALEMO has set up a reinforced monitoring of the structural state of the wind turbine foundations thanks to a system of continuous measurement of the deformations of the mast foot.

The device, supplied by OSMOS, is made up of sensors of the optical cord type, a monitoring unit and a configuration and measurement recovery interface.

The deformations measured by the optical chords allow the calculation of several criteria that characterise the state of the mechanical connection between the foundations and the mast, such as the maximum stress level or the main frequency of vibration of the structure.

In addition, SCADA and CMS data are analysed to detect changes in mechanical behaviour in relation to wind stresses in more detail. The objective at the end of 2021, at the end of the cyclone period, will be to establish an initial inventory of the Sainte-Rose wind turbines.

Benefiting from OSMOS expertise, VALEMO is thus gaining competence in the field of structural monitoring, which is a determining element in the evaluation of the life span of wind farms and in the decision-making process for repowering.


Installations de trois éoliennes flottantes  

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Le bridage de fauche

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