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October 2020

Newsletter VALEMO #16

The health crisis that we have been facing for several months now leads us to constantly adapt and bounce back. Like all the actors of the wind energy industry, we had planned to meet you on the occasion of the National Wind Energy Symposium which was to be held this week. Always reactive, we maintain the link with our customers by distributing this autumn newsletter. It is an opportunity to present the latest partnerships signed by VALEMO as well as our research work, while highlighting the Operation Department. With a focus on maximizing the performance of assets under management, the Operation Department can rely on the expertise and responsiveness of our in-house teams. The synergies existing between each VALEMO department enable it to offer a state-of-the-art service to each of its clients while adapting to each issue encountered.

We hope that this digital break will provide you with relevant information and an appreciable interval. Of course, we are always at your side to optimize the management of your assets.

Enjoy your reading,

Frederic Prevost – Executive Manager

VALEMO Operation Department:
Maximize the performance of assets thanks to the expertise and responsiveness of teams

VALEMO's Operation Department, made up of technical experts, guarantees the good performance of the plants entrusted to it. Thanks to the local teams deployed throughout the country and the internal synergies existing between each VALEMO department (operation – engineering services – maintenance), a state-of-the-art service and multi-energy expertise are provided to meet the specific needs of each customer.

About twenty experts working all over the country
Composed of about twenty asset managers and technicians, the department can rely on this solid and experienced staff to support its customers in the proper management of their facilities. 75 farms, all energies combined (wind, solar, hydro, marine energies), spread over the whole territory (metropolitan France and Guadeloupe) are operated by VALEMO, for a total of more than 700 MW – Read more

Diversified missions
A true asset manager, the VALEMO operation manager, with solid technical skills (electrical training), is a conductor coordinating all activities in line with the optimized management of the plants – Read more

Internal synergies for a state-of-the-art service
The asset manager can rely on internal resources offering a real synergy between the different activities and creating added value. The maintenance teams are organized into bases (7) spread throughout the country, which are true field relays, favour proximity and reactivity.
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Solutions to go further
Asset managers are able to respond to multiple and diverse issues on specific plants. For example, VALEMO Operation Department manages a wind farm in Guadeloupe, which is subject to more complex constraints than in mainland France – Read more

Meeting with Johan Serrar
Asset manager – Bègles Center

What are your main missions?

For the past 6 years, I have been coordinating, on behalf of external clients, the various activities related to monitoring installations and improving the performance of the plants entrusted to me. An essential part of my work is safety management, for which I am responsible both for the people involved and for the compliance of the installations.

Of course, my main activity concerns the monitoring of the farm's performance. Having a diversified technical background (electricity, automation, mechanics, information technology, hydraulics), I regularly analyze the data from the installations using computer tools, and I set up ways to improve them.

The optimization of operating costs (site maintenance, regulatory controls, maintenance contracts) is a key subject and a negotiation aspect is inseparable from my missions. As the client's representative, I act as a link between the various parties involved in the farm: grid operator, construction operator, aggregator, project management… At the same time, there is a strong relationship in the field, and I exchange a lot with local farmers, elected officials and local residents. I regularly visit the installations to carry out inspections. Able to work at heights, with electricity and first aid authorizations, it's always a pleasure to pass my head above the nacelle to look at the landscape!

What makes VALEMO's Operation Department special?

Without a doubt, the fact of being able to rely on complementary skills and expertise within the company. The Technical Services Department covers engineering activities such as data processing, vibration analysis or nacelle alignment (link to file); the teams at the control center are our eyes and ears and the maintenance teams allow us to be reactive by being as close as possible to the assets.

In addition, when a customer delegates the operation of its plant to us, it benefits not only from VALEMO's experience but also from the know-how of the VALOREM group. The asset manager can rely on the different departments of the group and thus call upon the expertise of the design office, legal support, and construction skills, in order to offer a quality service. Thanks to this, we adapt to any type of situation for a personalized response to our client.

What do you like most about your job?

It's an exciting job with technologies that are still new and constantly evolving, the playing field is very vast. I appreciate the real-time aspect with incident management where you have to be reactive. Team spirit and mutual aid between colleagues is predominant. We are all referents for one or more subjects and share this technological and regulatory watch between us to be always informed and able to react quickly.

VALEMO is recruiting new asset managers. To apply, click here !

// HYDRO: VALEMO signs an operation/maintenance contract for 14 hydropower plants in Guadeloupe

Established in Guadeloupe since 2018 to ensure the maintenance of the Sainte-Rose wind farm (16 MW), VALEMO is pursuing its development strategy on the island, and more broadly in the West Indies, by signing a major operation and maintenance (O&M) contract in the small hydro sector.

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// R&D: VALEMO / Météo France partnership for the development of an icing forecast model

VALEMO operates several parks located in areas regularly impacted by icing phenomena. The consequences of icing on wind turbine blades are significant, whether in terms of production losses, premature aging of the turbines or safety issues for people in the vicinity of the wind farm.

This is why VALEMO is participating with Météo France in the development of a model for forecasting ice accretion and melting on wind turbine blades in order to better address these issues.

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// MRE – OFFSHORE: AKROCEAN continues to expand and develop its fleet of high-speed offshore measuring buoys!

VALEMO supports the start up on an enlarged scope, from commissioning to the installation of buoys and up to the maintenance of the systems and their decommissioning at the end of the campaign. A great adventure that continues with enthusiasm alongside AKROCEAN and GEPS TECHNO!
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// MRE – OFFSHORE: VALEMO performs blade audits on fixed-bottom wind turbines in the North Sea

VALEMO exports its skills to perform blade audits on several offshore wind farms in the North Sea, beyond the German and Belgian coasts.

During these large-scale campaigns to cover the inspection of dozens of machines, our technicians carry out data acquisition on site using a high-performance camera…
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// HUMAN RESOURCES – New recruits

VALEMO is continuing its recruitment process as part of the development of its business. New recruits have joined the teams at the head office as well as in the agencies, bringing the total workforce to 70 people:

New recruits:

  • 4 maintenance technicians
  • 1 asset technician
  • 1 PV asset manager
  • 1 remote control officer

A few positions remain to be filled, to apply, clik here!

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Installations de trois éoliennes flottantes  

Si vous suivez l’actualité de l’éolien offshore français, vous n’avez pas pu manquer cette information : les trois éoliennes flottantes ont été installées en Méditerranée ! Une première mondiale puisque la ferme pilote de Provence Grand Large, développée par EDF Renouvelables, Enbridge et CPP
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Le bridage de fauche

Le « Bridage de Fauche » est une mesure visant à réduire l’impact des éoliennes sur les populations de rapaces résidant dans les zones rurales. Lors des activités agricoles de fauche, de moissons ou de labours, les petits mammifères peuplant ces champs se retrouvent
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L’activité drone chez VALEMO – objectifs et usages

Depuis près d’une année, VALEMO a intégré la compétence télépilote de drones avec comme objectif de pouvoir réaliser des inspections aériennes de haute qualité et accéder à des zones difficiles ou dangereuses sans mettre en danger les inspecteurs. Quatre experts techniques ont
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