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Meet our business development department

Our new Head of the BD Department arrived on 1st February and is delighted with the welcome he has received!

« L’équipe est en place et les compétences pour accompagner le développement de VALEMO sont là ! »

The vocation of the department is to be attentive to the need of clients and to develop our expertise to meet their needs throughout the life of the sites.

The development of the service is based on 2 axes:

  • The first is the development of our core businesses of O&M and 24-hour supervision. Developing our presence in all renewable energy sectors while strengthening our presence in our recognised technical expertise in PV and onshore/offshore wind power
  • The second axis is geographical. The department is currently focusing on the densification of our national development and will very soon open up to markets outside our borders.

Customer satisfaction is a key element in the development of future partnerships, this takes place at the beginning of a new contract. During this phase, it is essential that the relationship between the sales department and the operational departments (maintenance, operation, expert services, supervision) be coordinated.
Therefore, each member of the team is involved in his relationship with VALEMO’s operational teams and with the client throughout the duration of the contract. He remains a privileged contact for each client.
The BD department is therefore responsible to our clients for ensuring that the contract is properly launched with the operational teams.

It can therefore be said that this service is essential to develop VALEMO’s commercial activity, especially international development. For this, the BD is in constant contact with our Operations, Maintenance, Engineering and Supervision departments.


L’activité drone chez VALEMO – objectifs et usages

Depuis près d’une année, VALEMO a intégré la compétence télépilote de drones avec comme objectif de pouvoir réaliser des inspections aériennes de haute qualité et accéder à des zones difficiles ou dangereuses sans mettre en danger les inspecteurs. Quatre experts techniques ont
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La modernisation du recueil de données

Depuis 3 ans, le service Data investi dans la R&D pour la maintenance conditionnelle qui permet de détecter des anomalies de températures et des sous-performances de production. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en place cette année, un algorithme de détection automatique
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Le bridage de fauche

Le « Bridage de Fauche » est une mesure visant à réduire l’impact des éoliennes sur les populations de rapaces résidant dans les zones rurales. Lors des activités agricoles de fauche, de moissons ou de labours, les petits mammifères peuplant ces champs se retrouvent
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