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Quality monitoring of wind turbines at the Fécamp offshore wind farm

Following its involvement last year in the manufacturing, installation, commissioning and maintenance stages of France’s first offshore wind farm in Saint-Nazaire, VALEMO is continuing to play an active part in the development of the offshore wind industry in 2023.

As part of the construction of the Fécamp offshore wind farm, VALEMO is providing quality monitoring services for the 71 7MW wind turbines that will equip the site, on behalf of the project developer Eoliennes Offshore des Hautes Falaises.

VALEMO is carrying out these tasks in the port of Cherbourg, where a hub for storing and pre-assembling the wind turbines has been set up.

For our teams, the aim is to ensure that the equipment is compliant, of good quality and in good condition, by carrying out inspections on the 213 sections of mast, the 213 blades and the 71 nacelles of the wind farm before they go to sea. This also involves checking that the 3 sections of each wind turbine mast have been lifted, verticalized and assembled correctly (an operation carried out on the quayside before loading on the ship).

Since March 2023, our teams have been working with the teams from Eoliennes Offshore des Hautes Falaises, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and their subcontractors to ensure that this project meets the highest quality standards.
It is thanks to this collective effort that the first wind turbines were recently loaded on the ship and are currently being installed at sea in July.


L’activité drone chez VALEMO – objectifs et usages

Depuis près d’une année, VALEMO a intégré la compétence télépilote de drones avec comme objectif de pouvoir réaliser des inspections aériennes de haute qualité et accéder à des zones difficiles ou dangereuses sans mettre en danger les inspecteurs. Quatre experts techniques ont
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La modernisation du recueil de données

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Le bridage de fauche

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