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Vigilant - Responsive - Continuous

Full monitoring of your parks

Real-time monitoring and remote management of production assets

1 System Management centre that covers:

  • 1 supervisory role (operating 24/7), that deals with:
    • ICPE alarms
    • Management of HV and EHV substations;
    • Disruption to generation facilities (wind turbine, inverter, etc.)
    • Stakeholder dialogues (production aggregator, network manager, service provider, etc .)
  • 1 analyst role (operating from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
  • 9 experienced and dedicated technicians 
  • Protected and redundant IT infrastructure

Data privacy guaranteed.

Conduite de parc éolien HTB

« 24/7 operator service with data management and analysis tools »

Real-time management

  • Control of HV and EHV electrical substations
  • Managing negative price periods (PPAs and aggregation contracts)
  • Weather event management
  • Telecom access supervision

Fault analysis

  • Remote troubleshooting and restart in accordance with O&M contracts
  • Feedback to the Operation department

Coordination of on-site activities

  • Launch and follow-up of interventions, co-activity management
  • CMMS recording and follow-up
  • Operations at sites located in different time zones

Powerful monitoring tools developed by VALEMO

  • Processing and analysis of data from production facilities and delivery stations via S2EV, an integrated automatic repatriation tool
  • Weather event monitoring
  • Status monitoring of communication with the site


Conduite de parc éolien HTB

Electrical substation connected to local transport network (EHV)

Located in the Somme department, the Hypercourt EHV substation enables the energy generated by two wind farms (45.6MW) to be transferred via a 63kV/33kV transformer with 50 MVA ONAF of power.

To comply with RTE’s specifications on absorption or production of reactive energy, a compensation system (STATCOM) has been installed, allowing an additional capacity of +/- 4 MVAR.

The entire EHV substation (EHV and HV components, transformers, RTE exchanges, etc.) are monitored via the site’s Digital Control System.

The System Management department monitors all of this equipment to ensure that the site is operating correctly.

Conduite de parc éolien HTB

Wind farm

Located in Guadeloupe, the St Rose wind farm has several features:

  • 8 GAMESA wind turbines (16 MW);
  • Two lithium-ion battery storage systems (5.5 MWh);
  • An energy management system (EMS) that automatically:
    • Obtains weather forecast data and wind turbine operating status;
    • Establishes a production schedule (D+1 and D+2) and sends it to the distribution system manager;
    • Ensures compliance with the production schedule (battery charge/discharge, wind turbine clamping);
    • Two generators to maintain power supply to wind turbines during a cyclone;

The System Management department monitors all of this equipment (cyclical checks, function tests) to ensure the site is operating correctly.

Photovoltaic park

Located on a former NATO military base in the Aube department, VALEMO operates the LASSICOURT photovoltaic park.

This 17 MWp power project consists of:

  • 39,060 photovoltaic panels mounted on 1,867 solar trackers;
  • 4 central inverters;
  • 1 electrical substation to transfer output to the distribution network.
    A monitoring system, developed by VALEMO’s Technical Engineering department, which enables the System Management department to see all the equipment operating in real-time.
Analyses vibratoires sur une centrale hydroélectrique

Hydroelectric power plant

Since September 2020, VALEMO has been operating the 16 hydropower plants that make up the Caribbean Hydropower portfolio (10.4 MW).

A feature of the majority of these power plants is that they are installed on water networks used for agricultural plantation irrigation and the production of drinking water.

These features pose an additional challenge for the System Management department that monitors these sites.

Latest news

Dossier spécial : conduite HTB

Depuis fin 2021, VALEMO exploite des postes électriques HTB raccordés sur le réseau de transport RTE. Compte tenu des enjeux de production et des exigences du gestionnaire de réseau RTE (temps de réponse inférieur à 5 minutes), VALEMO
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CONDUITE : organisation et flexibilité en période de prix négatifs

En début d’année, la structuration de l’activité conduite s’est poursuivie avec la création d’un poste de travail supplémentaire. Nouveau modèle d’organisation afin d’anticiper les scénarios les plus pessimistes. La crise sans précédent que nous venons de vivre nous
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CONDUITE : VALEMO structure son activité supervision

Pour fêter cette nouvelle année, le centre de conduite fait peau neuve ! En effet, c’est maintenant deux postes de travail qui sont dédiés à ce processus. Pendant que l’un se concentrera sur les actifs éoliens (notre activité historique),
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